



Message From Dean

Professor Takeo Kawasaki, Dr. Sci.

The Kitasato University is a private university organized from eight schools as its educational organizations: Allied Health Sciences (since 1962), Science (since 1962), Pharmacy (since 1964), Veterinary medicine (since 1966), Medicine (since 1970), Marine Biosciences (since 1972) and Nursing (since 1986). The Schools are branched across four areas of Japan and the headquarters is located in Shirokane, Tokyo. School of Science is located at Sagamihara-Campus just outside Tokyo metropolitan city. It covers the education and research activities in fundamental science. which shows a sharp contrast to surrounding Other schools, in contrat, have strong relation with biological and medical sciences as well as their applications. The school of Science consists of 12 laboratories and three departments, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, and Biological Sciences. Our research and educational interests stands on various basic questions about the nature inside. More than 200 students in each educational year, 800 in total belong to the undergraduate school. They learn the comprehensive and basic themes suitable for various careers in natural science and related fields. After graduation, about 50% students proceed to graduate course of ours and other universities. The rest of the graduates become teachers, engineers, analysts, and other professionals in various fields. The school has been and will be producing a large numbers of graduates.

If you have a chance to come to Japan, please visit our campus to see what's going on here in the school. All the members in the faculty and students will welcome you. We are also waiting for opportunities to have collaborations with active scientists in all over the world.


Education and Research in School of Science focus on three fundamental science fields, Physics, Chemistry, and Biological Sciences which corresponds to the names of three departments, respectively. All curriculums are designed to produce young thoughtful graduates. They contribute various communities with a background of fundamental science where the pursuit of truth in the nature is respected as the most important sprit.

After the first three years of the training term, all students are to be involved in each laboratory and practical research projects for one year. Ones who want to continue it further will proceed to graduate courses. Various highly sophisticated basic researches are performed in laboratories and domestic and international collaborations are extensively being performed. In particular, the exchange program with Harvard contributes our research activities as well as our education for graduate and undergraduate students.


Before the establishment of Kitasato University.

Dr. Shibasaburo Kitasato (1853-1931) was the first “life scientist” in the modern history of Japan. He himself was a physician and a bacteriologist. In 1891, just after he returned from Dr. Robert Koch's Laboratory in Berlin where he had studied for 6 years, he founded the Institute for Study of Infectious Diseases and became the president. In 1914 when Tokyo Imperial University incorporated the institute, he resigned in protest and founded the Kitasato Institute as the frontrunner of Kitasato University.

Kitasato University was born.

In 1962, the 50th anniversary year for Kitasato Institute, Kitasato University was newly established with a single school of Hygienic Science. Within this first school, two departments were involved one of which was the department of chemistry. This original group of laboratories is the roots of the present school of science.

In the history of Kitasato University.

In 1988, the department of biosciences additionally started in the school of Hygienic Science as the former organization of the present department. In 1994, the school was extensively divided into two schools, the school of allied health science and the school of science. At that time department of physics was newly organized and the present framework with 13 laboratories in three departments was completed. In 2005, Center for Disease Proteomics was organized under the supervising of the school of science. In 2009, the exchange program with Harvard University started.

Basic Information & Data

Number of Staffs (on May. 2023)

Category Total Physics Chemistry Biological Sciences Teaching License Course
Educational Full Professor 13 4 4 4 1
Associate Professor 9 2 4 2 1
Junior Associate Professor 16 7 4 5 ----
Assistant Professor 9 0 5 4 ----
Research Associate 0 0 0 0 ----
Postdoctoral Fellow or Project Assistant Professor 0 0 0 0 ----
Research Staffs 1 ---- ---- ---- ----
Librarians 3 ---- ---- ---- ----
Administrative Office Staffs 11 ---- ---- ---- ----

Number of Undergraduate Students (on May. 2023)

Year Total Physics Chemistry Biological Sciences
1 245 54 105 86
2 237 62 84 91
3 222 58 78 86
4 216 49 87 80

Number of Graduate Students (on May. 2023)

Year Total Molecular Sciences Biological Sciences
Master 1 28 19 9
2 26 14 12
Doctor 1 2 0 2
2 3 1 2
3 1 0 1

Carrier Paths for Graduates of Undergraduate Course.

Physics Chemistry Biological Sciences
Graduate Courser Kitasato University 29% 32% 27%
Other Universities 12% 17% 35%
Professional Jobs 55% 49% 31%
Other Careers 4% 3% 8%
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